


A female is not only the beautiful but also one of the most important creations of god especially for her ability to reproduce. A woman's health reflects both her individual biology and her sociocultural, economic, and physical environments. These factors affect both the duration and the quality of her life. In India Women are under tremendous pressure having to cope up with the double responsibility of work and home. This leaves them with less time to take care of their health. Right from school days, girls have now very less opportunity for exercise and this adds to the health risk affecting menstruation, metabolism, fertility and general health over time. Women suffered various health issues and diseases due to negligence towards their health.

Various gynecological disorders faced by the females can be

  • Insufficient or delayed menstrual periods (Amenorrhoea)
  • Painful Menstrual periods ( Dysmenorrhoea )
  • Leucorrhea (white discharge)
  • Lower Back Pain
  • Cyst formation in Ovaries, Uterus
  • Uterine Fibroids /polyps ( non – cancerous tumors)
  • Vaginitis (vaginal itching, dryness & infection )
  • cervix and uterus infections ( including fungal, bacterial, viral, and protozoal)
  • Infertility
  • Uterus & ovarian cancers, Uterus prolapse
  • Abortions

Ayurveda has some precious herbs, panchakarma therapy, yoga and meditation which helps to balance the hormones, tones the uterus, nourishes the skin & helps in increases beauty of a female. In total, ayurveda keep the body in harmony. Ayurveda not just prevent & cure the problems but for the complete internal healing of the body

Pcos- Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

It is common problems among the reproductive age (15-40 year) of women. It is endocrine and gynecology problems. PCOS become lifestyle disorders now a day’s because of sedentary habits, fast food eating, faulty life style follow. The exact cause of PCOS is unknown but high levels of insulin, hyper androgen (Male hormone), LH (Luteinizing hormone) are the main causes. The symptoms of PCOS are Delayed Menstruation, Oligomenorrhea, Acne, hirsutism, thinning of hair, obesity, and constipation. In Ayurveda PCOS is not direct term coined but clinically it is resemble with Aartavavaha strotas dushti, Vishamaartava, Granthi, Santarponnth vyadhi, Yonivyapad.

To treat a woman affected with PCOS need controlled and balanced diet and exercise for weight reduction along with ayurvedic medication, preventive measures are more important. So it will be more beneficial to follow mode of life as mentioned in ayurveda.

Amenorrhea (Artavakshaya)

Amenorrhoea or absence of menstruation itself is not a disease but a symptom of an underlying disorder of female reproductive system. Ayurveda refers to menstruation as Artava or Rajah. Anartava is one of the symptoms of Vata imbalance. Amenorrhea is a condition in which there is an absence of menstruation. The description of amenorrhoea is found under different headings like Anartava, Nashtartava or Artavakshaya. Normal menstrual cycle has a length of 21-35 days (mean 28 days). Duration of normal menstruation is for 3 -7 days. The term amenorrhoea literally means absence of menstruation. Primary amenorrhoea is the term used when a girl has failed to menstruate by the age of 16 years in presence of normal secondary sexual characteristics or by 14 years if absence of signs of puberty such as breast development and growth of pubic and axillary hair. Secondary amenorrhoea is when there is absence of menstruation for three normal cycles or six months in a woman who has previous regular menstrual cycles. Ayurvedic treatment modalities shows promising results in all cases of oligomenorrhoea, hypomenorrhoea and amenorrhoea.

Dysmenorrhea (Kashtartava)

Today stress is becoming an inescapable part of modern life. In the incessant quest for material comforts, a woman has been losing her health. The basic reason why women are reeling under myriad problems is because she has not been following the codes of healthy living. She has disregarded the codes for the bodily health as well as healthy mind also. Menstruation is a natural event as a part of the normal process of reproductive life in females. Due to today’s sedentary lifestyle and lack of exercise, dysmenorrhoea is becoming today’s burning problem throughout the world which causes discomfort for women’s daily ensuing day to day activities and may result in missing work or school, inability to participate in sports or other activities. Dysmenorrhea or painful menstruation can be defined as cramps in the lower abdomen before or during the menstruation which can be so severe that hinder the women´s routine activity. The pain starts from the lower abdomen and radiates to low back and the inner thighs. Other symptoms include nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, headache or fatigue. It is the most common gynaecological problem among the women.

In Ayurvedic classics Kashtartava (dysmenorrhoea) is not described as a separate disease. According to Ayurveda menstruation is guarded by vata dosha. Derangement or aggravation of vata dosha gives rise to this symptom. The treatment, which alleviates vata, gives excellent results in this disease. Panchakarma treatments like Uttarbasti, anuvasa or matrabasti are the treatments which will specifically target derangement of vata in menstrual problems.

Leucorrhea (shveta pradara)

In Ayurveda , leucorrhea is said to be a symptom not a disease but this is much bothering for a lady. In Ayurveda, leucorrhoea is known as shveta pradara, where shveta means „white”, and pradara means „discharge”. It may be physiological but when turn into pathological condition, produce problems like itching vulva, backache and so as to anxiety to a female suffering from the entity. Leucorrhoea, the unusual vaginal discharge is a common problem now-a-days in gynaecological practice. It may be physiological but when turn into pathological condition, produce associated problems like itching vulva, backache and so as to anxiety to a female suffering from the entity. It is quoted as a symptom in multiple gynaecological problems. Management of leucorrhoea depends upon the causative factor, Prakriti of the patient’s, involvement of Doshas etc. Usually leucorrhoea is a curable disease, but recurrence is common due to causative factors. In the management of Leucorrhoea ,oral medications as well as local panchakarma therapies like vaginal douche, vaginal suppositories, dhoopana and tampons gives the complete relief.

Uterine fibroid (Granthi)

Uterine fibroids are the most common solid benign tumours in women of reproductive age. The incidence of uterine fibroid is markedly increasing nowadays, and many are being accidently diagnosed during ultrasound screening. Uterine fibroid-related symptoms negatively impact physical and social activities, women’s health-related quality of life, and work productivity. Mostly they are asymptomatic; if symptomatic they are characterized by menorrhagia, metrorrhagia, menometrorrhagia dysmenorrhea, infertility, abortions, and pressure symptoms like abdominal distension, low backache, stress incontinence, urinary retention, and constipation. The condition of uterine fibroid is similar to Garbhashayagatagranthi, mentioned in Ayurveda with vitiated vata affecting mamsa(muscle tissue), rakta (blood) and medas (fat) mixed with kapha producing rounded, protuberant, knotty and hard swelling. The best Ayurvedic treatment for fibroid depends on individual condition of the patient. Ayurvedic therapies and remedies are effective treatment modality in uterine fibroid.