


Healthy, long and vibrant hair helps a lot in the improvement of personality. Therefore, keeping hair in a healthy state is entirely the important for human-being, because just like the face, hair is also a mirror of a healthy state of the body. Disorders like hair fall, greying of hairs, dandruff are commonest among young adults today, causing stress and inferiority complex among people. According to Ayurveda, in a living body, all the ailments and sufferings are due to the disharmony and disequilibrium of the Doshas (Physiological regulator of body). Hence, the main aim of Ayurvedic therapies is to treat disorders, prevent disease and rebalance the body Dosha, Dhatu (Tissue), Malas (Excretory waste), Mana (Mind) and Gunas (Spiritual connection). Hair according to Ayurveda is closely related to Asthi Dhatu (Bone Tissue). Any product which increases Asthi Dhatu will consequently help to improve the quality of hair. Khalitya (Alopecia), Palitya (Premature greying of Hair), Darunaka (Dandruff) can be treated with modalities like Siraveda (Blood-letting) or Prachana (type of purification therapy in Ayurveda), Nasya (Nasal Drop) therapy, different Lepa application and regular Tail Abayanga (oiling) of scalp. Preventive modalities include using Rasayana as Aahar or drugs to be started early in middle age and use of Keshya (hair health promotor) drugs mentioned in ayurveda.

KHALITYA (Alopecia)

In Ayurveda Khalitya means hairfall. Khalitya is primarily a Pitta dominant Tridoshjanya Vyadhi i.e. Vata, Pitta, Kapha with Rakta dosha. According to modern science it is termed as Alopecia or baldness. It is a partial or complete loss of hair especially from the scalp. Hair adds to the beauty and the personality of a human being. Baldness is a curse for one’s look and personality. Millions of people worldwide suffering from hair loss. Hair fall is more in males than in females. Khalitya is commonly seen in the age group of 18-40 years. According to survey up to 40% of men and 25% of women in India are victims of hair fall. The incidence of “Khalitya” (Hair fall) is increasing day by day. It is due to changing lifestyle, unhealthy dietary habits, sleep disturbances, systemic diseases, medications and stressful life. In Ayurveda various oral medication and local treatment is described for Khalitya like Nasya, Raktamokshana ,shirodhara and Lepa.

PALITYA (Graying of hairs )

The face of an individual is a personal identity in which hair plays a significant role. Healthy hair is a healthy sign of personality. But nowadays, whitening of hair is a common and burning problem in public. Black, healthy and good looking hair makes the individual happy and confident. Palitya generally occurs in old age and pittaj pradhan prakriti. But due to unhealthy diet, wrong regimen, pollution, psychological stress, etc. it affects on hairs, and causes Palitya. The use of purification procedures of panchakarma (detoxifying therapy) has prime importance in the remedies mentioned for premature greying. Nasya karma (nasal medication) is one of the major rejuvenative treatments. Palliative external & internal medicaments measures like Shiro dhara (pouring oil on head), Shiro pichu (cloth dipped in oil kept on head),

Shiro basti (oil is kept on head with an apparatus), Shiro lepa (application of medicated paste over head), Shiro abhyanga (oil massage to head) helps in speedy recovery.


Dandruff, the visible desquamation of scalp, is the mildest manifestation of seborrheic dermatitis. Darunaka is described as a Kshudraroga due to the vitiation of Vata and Kapha Doshas with symptoms like Kandu (itching on scalp), Keshachyuti (falling of hair), Swapa(abnormalities of touch sensation on scalp), Rookshata (roughness or dryness of the scalp) and Twaksphutana (breaking or cracking of the scalp skin). Seborrhoeic Dermatitis, an irritative disease of the scalp in which shedding of dead tissue from the scalp with itching sensation is the cardinal feature which can be correlated with Darunaka. It has been reported that Seborrhoeic Dermatitisaffect about 4% of the population, and dandruff (which is mild seborrhoeic dermatitis of the scalp) can affect almost half of all adults .

Ayurveda can provide a virtuous effect in dandruff with the help of Panchakarma procedures, daily regimen, and many Aushadha Yoga.